I saw a version of this somewhere and thought it was a good way to celebrate my Dad's birthday. This was before I joined Pinterest so I don't know who to give the credit to (ha ha). If I ever come across it on the web, I'll link it up in this post. Lovely.Little.Laughter thought it was cute too (for several reasons) and gives some details here.
Anyway, it wasn't too difficult once I figured out how I wanted to create the wreath. In the version I'd seen before, the photos were permanently attached. I knew that I wanted to use the actual photos and some memorabilia from when Dad was growing up. I just didn't want to put the time in to reprint the photos, use decorative edged scissors and age them but I definitely wanted it to look that way. Once I realized this, I knew I wanted something re-usable and I could change. I'd already decided to use magnets (some I had and some I bought 1/2 off at Hobby Lobby) and I wanted a wreath shaped piece of metal for a base. After a trip or two to Hobby Lobby and Michaels (and one to Lowe's just in case they made such a thing), I scrapped that idea and just bought a wire wreath form from Hobby Lobby (I think it was $2 or less). This made placement a little tricker but it still worked. So for about $5 I made it!
PS - Dad really liked it so it was worth it! Here's a few more pics.

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